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Staycation Ideas: Summer 2020

17 Jun 2020

When travel is limited (and even when it’s not!), a staycation allows you to appreciate where you are and take a break from work, life, and stress.


It might be a trendy name, but it just symbolizes slowing down, taking a minute, and planning activities that make you see your home in a different light. It doesn’t need to be fancy, and it doesn’t need to cost anything.


We talked to our store managers to get their favorite ideas on how to plan a staycation.


Set a date and plan



The first step is simple: pick a day and put it on your calendar. You might want to take a day off work, or plan a long weekend. Either way, putting it on your calendar means it won’t be an afterthought.


Georgianna, our manager in Cambridge says, “A successful staycation takes some planning. Try to create parts of your home, inside and out, that feel like escapes and offer sanctuary. Then clean your home in advance to avoid thinking about chores on your staycation.”


Cindy, our manager in Middleton, suggests “thinking about how you can make your outdoor space fresh; maybe with an array of flowers or a fire pit.”


A staycation also means that you’re not worried about what you’re going to eat for dinner. Think about your meals. Does cooking relax you, or would you prefer to order in from your favorite local restaurant?


Georgianna says, “Stock up on all your favorite treats, like ingredients for a summertime spritz.” When you do this planning ahead, you can enjoy the day and savor every meal.


Explore local spots


Take some time out of the day to go on a road trip or a long walk. Be a tourist in your city and drive past all of the famous sites. Or drive to a park or beach to walk around. A quick google search will reveal parks, ponds, and conservation land around you that you never knew existed.


Experiencing your hometown like a tourist will have you appreciating where you are instead of yearning to go elsewhere. If you’re not up for driving, set up a few chairs in your backyard – or a tent if you’re in the mood for camping.



Find a fun project


Linda, our manager in Boston, describes, “Some people like to accomplish tasks during a staycation; whether it’s painting a room or rearranging your living room to feel new.”


You might work on a scrapbook you’ve been putting off or finally attempt to make macarons at home. Of course, this won’t be for everyone. If you’re a busy person, taking this day as an opportunity to do nothing is the way to go.


Relax and rejuvenate


The point of a staycation is to remove yourself from your daily life and stressors – so, if you’re able, turn off your phone and step away from screens. At least for a few hours.


Linda suggests “creating an oasis,” either in your home or in your backyard. You can do this by laying down a blanket, and setting the mood with candles, dim lights, and a clean space.


Use this time to do the relaxing things you normally put aside – taking a bath, doing a face mask, or painting your nails.


Or, like you might do on the beach on holiday, pick up a book and read all day – only stopping to make a tropical drink.



There are no rules!


There aren’t any set rules to a staycation, and putting too much pressure on yourself to have the “perfect” day off will make the day stressful instead of relaxing.


Think about what you love most about a vacation and then try to incorporate those feelings or activities into your staycation. The smallest effort can make your day feel special and exciting.


Plan your day or weekend, put on your favorite comfy clothes, and relax. Not sure how to end your staycation? Make some popcorn and watch that movie you’ve been dying to see for months.


If you want to take the extra step in refreshing your home, reach out to us for design help – we’re here for you, whether your project is big or small. 


Room Planner Worksheet
