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2020: Interior Design Trends and Resolutions

15 Jan 2020

It’s a new year, a new decade, and a new year in design! To start this year off fresh, we took some time to look towards the future in interior design—what are we excited about? What are our design resolutions?


We spoke with a handful of our Design Consultants to learn about what they’re excited for in design in 2020.



Let’s talk trends


Trends, as we all know, come and go. So while we don’t necessarily recommend overhauling your home to follow a specific trend—they can be a great way to find inspiration and liven up your space. On the other hand, there are no rules in design!


Follow your instincts, take what you love, leave what you don’t, and talk with a trusted designer to help implement new trends in a way that makes sense for your space.


Here are a few of our designer’s favorite trends for the New Year.


  1. Bigger and bolder is better. Bold monochromatic palettes, color-blocking, and large-scale patterned fabrics are becoming more popular.
  2. Bring on the earth tones. Grey took over the design world for a few years and while we still love it, earthier, warmer tones are taking over in terms of neutrals.
  3. Matte accents. We’re seeing more powder-coated metal accents, particularly in black.
  4. Lighter and airier upholstery. Sofas and chairs with legs and a lighter look are gaining in popularity.
  5. Natural leather tones. Renee (our Store Manager in Acton) is seeing less bright tones in leather and more classic colors like butterscotch and chocolate.
  6. Sustainability. We’re all becoming more conscious of where our products come from and how our purchases affect the environment—and that includes our furniture. We take pride in our ongoing sustainability efforts and aim to leave as small an ecological footprint as we can.



2020 Design Resolutions


We all have our own love/hate feelings about New Year’s resolutions. Ultimately, you can start anew any day you want—change your life, change your environment, and change your home.


This year, we decided to ask our designer’s what their design resolutions were for the New Year—because if anything, this year can be a chance to finally take the time to invest in our surroundings, create spaces we love in our homes, and try something fun and new.


Valerie, a Design Consultant in Middleton, wants to use this year to “create more artwork and replace the paintings” in her house.


On a similar note, Renee wants to focus on accents and accessories, switch out her lighting, and incorporate new lamps and mirrors—an often overlooked element of design that can instantly change the look of a room.


Cindy, our Store Manager in Middleton, says “One of my design resolutions is to work with the color green. For example, adding a beautiful green to accent pillows, upholstering a sofa in a green, painting the walls, or just adding some leafy green plants to bring the outdoors in.”



Going along with bringing the outdoors in, she also loves the look of “thick, large pieces of rustic wood supported by metal to make an interesting coffee table.”


Anne, a Design Consultant in Middleton, adds, “I never make New Year’s resolutions, but my mantra for 2020 is to ‘simplify!’”


Whether you believe in resolutions or not, I think we can all agree that simplifying is a great goal. Interior design can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be! Take things one step at a time, appreciate the journey, and find ways to freshen up your home in the New Year.



Visit a showroom and get inspired!


We encourage you to think about your design resolutions for this year. Do you want to finally organize your guest room slash home office? Create a conversation corner in your living room?


Maybe it’s a simple resolution like investing in luxury bed linens. Regardless of your goals, whether big or small, we’re here to help.


Check out our YouTube Channel for expert advice on all things furniture and home décor and follow us on Instagram to get inspired by beautiful interiors.


Finally, come into a showroom near you to check out what’s new and talk to a designer!


Interior Design Consultation
