
09 Jan 2020

2020’s Pantone color of the year is classic blue, a rich and elegant tone which Pantone describes as reminiscent of “the sky at dusk.”

The color of the year is meant to encapsulate the year in design and inspire and influence trends in multiple industries. On a small-scale level, it can inspire you to explore new color tones that you haven’t tried before and bring life into your home.

02 Jan 2020

Mid-century modern design is still one of the most sought after styles in the design world, and we have a few iconic designers to thank for that. Although many took part in the creation of this revolutionary, streamlined style, the brands Thayer Coggin and Eames are the most recognizable.

With their influence and innovation, they helped to define a trend in design that focused on sculptural elements, clean lines, and, most importantly, function and comfort.

We discussed both brands with Cindy, our Store Manager in Middleton and Anne, a Design Consultant, to get their take on their innovative design and continued influence on furniture and home decor today.

17 Dec 2019

Whether you have a big family or you host frequent parties, having the right table is key. There’s nothing worse than being the one stuck in the corner of a table with no room to eat.

Stephanie Birchenough, our Merchandiser, has three favorite styles of tables for large groups. A pedestal table, a table with a bench, and, the obvious choice, an extension table. Keep reading for details on why these are the best and most efficient choices for seating all of your friends and family comfortably.

12 Dec 2019

The holidays are approaching fast which means you’ll most likely have friends or family coming to visit. Without exerting too much energy, there are so many simple ways to make your home a comforting, cozy, and welcoming place to stay.

Whether you have family staying for a day or a week, we’re giving you our expert tips on how to prep your home for guests.  

05 Dec 2019

There can be no bedroom without a bed, but how do you know what size you need?


Depending on the bedroom, your lifestyle, and your stature, choosing the right size bed can make or break a bedroom. This guide will help you decide what’s best for you!


05 Dec 2019

We believe that customization is the best way to style any piece in your home—from your ottoman to your sofa.

And yes, even your Stressless chair. Although the style may not be the first reason you choose to invest in a Stressless recliner (the certificate from the American Chiropractic Association may have urged the decision along), we’re here to say that there are many ways to seamlessly fit your Stressless recliner into your home.

22 Nov 2019

Despite all logic, we decided to put together the pairing of the century: coffee and coffee tables! We sat down with our Digital Marketing Coordinator and Resident Coffee Expert, Eric Bailey, to discuss his favorite blends of coffee and the coffee tables that go with them.

Does your coffee choice have any say in your preferred coffee table? Most would say no. We, however…also, say no. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fun experiment and a chance to get inspired! Discover a new favorite blend and find inspiration for your next coffee table.